Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Things I Am 97-99% Sure Live Outside My Bedroom Window

I have been living in an apartment in North Hollywood for almost a year now. It's a nicer development compared to the rest of the area. I can't say a day or night goes by without hearing some sort of strange noise bellowing from outside.

Here's a small sample...

Auction Guy
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In a nearby lot, Auction Guy finds it necessary to auction off cars about twice a week in the morning for about 3 hours each time. Thanks to his giant sound system, we can clearly make out what cars nowadays are going for. Thanks Auction Guy!!

The Pterodactyl
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I was ecstatic when I first heard the Pterodactyl squak in the early hours of the morning from a couple houses down. I love dinosaurs, and I love even more that they apparently exist now. But morning after morning of squaking leads to sleep deprivation as I ponder things like "Wait...Why can't I have a Pterodactyl myself? If I had one I'd train it to not squak so much. I'd train it to make funfetti cake from scratch"

The Crying Baby 2007
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It just cries and cries and cries, all night long...and cries and cries and cries. Shut up baby, get a hobby or a job.

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After living here a year there are not many noises I haven't heard coming from a cat. I can now tell when they're fighting, crying, molesting each other, paying taxes. Oh then there's the sound they make when they realize getting Arby's at 10PM on a Tuesday night just wasn't a good idea. I hate cats.

Ghetto Bird
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How exciting a helicopter circling around my neighborhood with a giant spotlight skimming the gorund can be! I wonder if it's chasing a convict on the run who just broke into a bank, ran over a couple pedestrians, jaywalked and is now looking for cover in my neighborhood. At least I am protected by the walls of this townhouse and it's windows. I'm safe.

Revving Infiniti Engine Guy
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Thanks for revving that engine, guy. I hope it makes you feel mighty powerful. I hope all the onlookers in our deserted townhouse alley are throwing themselves at you in awe.

The March 29th 11:05PM Creature
It was late. Windows open. It had been raining for a couple days. Zach and I were in my room talking. Then we heard the sound. A sound that can only be described as "an evil, menacing, creaturish laugh" ringing from directly below my window. Whatever made the noise scampered away immediately, fading into the night. Zach described it as "clearly being pissed off at something."
I just hope it wasn't this...
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If it was, I'm moving. I'm confident it wasn't the creature above, though. The one we heard sounded furry.

What's outside your window?


S.S. said...

Best post ever!

Does it count that on Sunday night during the ridiculous Nor'Easter I had a dream, and was convinced after I woke up, that aliens had abducted people in our neighborhood? And not the friendly type of aliens but the anal-probing type?

Marsandle said...

Oh no I cant believe that stupy cat hasn't died yet. I miss Mexican fruit truck drug deals outside my window and gun shots..Oh the love I have for No. Ho. I was talking to HD lat night and he made a joke like "well its not like Pete wrote a blog about it.." (I cant even remember what we were talking about..oh wait, if Dave and I had kids we said they would be too green, and I said we would have to calibrate them, then he brought you into the convo)...anwyays so I said, "actually Pete does have a blog and its titled Pete's junk" and dave was said you never told him of such things.."oh well, pete will tell me, its just toooo greeennn..." so maybe you should inform HD master of your bloggyness so he can fear crybaby dinos as well.

Marsandle said...

and by "Dave was said" i ment to say "dave was sad"